My debut Novel

My debut Novel
Contemporary Romance

Monday, July 23, 2012

The Inner Critic

Like a lot of people, I have a voice in my head critiquing everything I do.  For writers the voice is sometimes  furious in telling us we don't match up, we write crap.  It's a constant battle to put the fingers to the keyboard and block out this voice.  If you try to ignore it, it gets louder and louder until you have to beat it down.

Even if you are not a writer, there may times when the annoying whinny voice is shouting at you.  I follow a blog by Kristen Lamb.  One of her blogs is to step out of your comfort zone.  She states if you feel uncomfortable, you are heading in the right direction.  We must be headed in the right direction when our inner critic is screaming in our ears.  If we are only hearing silence we might be too comfortable and need to change directions.

Embrace your inner critic but don't let it rule you.  When I get that tightening in my stomach, I tell myself to keep going.  Someday it will lead us to great things. If nothing else I'll end up with a finish product to submit to my editor.

What is your inner critic telling you?  Do you keep it quiet or do you let it push you forward?


  1. Hi Susan,
    Great topic. For me some days my inner critic is louder than the rest of the time. I've never figured out why. Being your own critic isn't all bad. Sometimes it's an asset for a writer because it makes you want to create something better each time you sit down to write-Vanessa D

    1. I agree, Vanessa. It pushes us to do great things. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. I'm going to follow you by email. :) Looking forward to keeping up with your posts!

  3. Good post, Susan. If I'm writing, I don't listen to my inner critic, because she wants to nit-pic word usage, punctuation, etc, to slow me down. When editing, we have some good conversations.

  4. I try to shut the inner critic down. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I don't. Sometimes it's right and takes the story in a different direction. It's a complicated relationship.

    Thanks for popping in.

  5. Well said, and so true. II turn my hearing aids off when my critic triers to take over.


  6. My inner critic is always rambling on and on until I feel overwhelmed and that nothing I do is entirely well done. So I agree with you we need to shut it down on occasion, but not always,sometimes it's right. Great first post!!!

    1. Thank you, Hildie. It's a double edge sword with our inner critics. We take the good with the bad.
